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      Industry news Current location:Home > Industry news
      Related introduction of coating roller
      Source:HWA CHENG(SUZHOU)RUBBER INDUSTRY CO.,LTD         Release Time:2021-02-21

      Coating roller, also known as K Hand Coater. The coating roller can realize a simple coating operation and is suitable for the formulation of a variety of substrate coating films. In this way, the coating can be applied to many substrates, including paper, cardboard, plastic film, foil, metal plates, Glass plates and boards, etc.

      Two or more coatings can be applied at the same time in one operation, so it is the ideal instrument for making the same.


      Scope of application

      Coating rollers are used for research, testing and quality control, and are used in the inspection of inks, coatings, adhesives and various emulsions. Suitable substrates for RK coating roller include paper, cardboard, plastic film, metal foil, etc.


      Product Features

      * Fits ASTMD823-53 & BS3900

      * The thickness of the coated wet film can be from 4 to 500 microns.

      * Equipped with special printing bed for outstanding reproducibility

      * Equipped with stainless steel coating roller

      * The coating roller is numbered and has a color symbol



      1. Primarily prepare a substrate of appropriate size for proofing.

      2. Place the substrate on the embossing bed and clamp it with a clip.

      3. Select the appropriate type of coating roller (see related information) and place it on the stamping bed, near the place of the clamp.

      4. The coating or varnish used for proofing is placed near the clamp, about 1cm below the coating roller. (Dosage should be controlled by yourself)

      5. Grasp both ends of the coating roller with both hands and pull the coating roller towards the operator at a constant speed and pressure. Please be careful not to roll the coating roller during the operation.

      6. After proofing, put the coating roller into a suitable solvent for cleaning, and dry it with a cloth. Please note that the application roller should always be kept dry.

      Previous:Operation process of cleaning coating roller Next:Internal structure of commonly used heating roller
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