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      New Product
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      Antistatic dust sticking roller

      Product Features: HWA CHENG adopts the Japan-wide roll EC-CLEANER series sticky rubber, the characteristics are as follows:

      1. Different from the past silicone adhesive roller products, it will cause great electrostatic hazard in contact with the product. The EC surface band resistance value is low, which can relieve the static electricity generated by friction.

      2. With proper surface tack and softness, it can adhere to the concave and convex part of the substrate to achieve the dust removal effect.

      3. Has good weather resistance and ozone resistance, so the surface viscosity will hardly change

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      Add:59 Qunxing First Road, Loujing District, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu, China
      Mob:Mr. Huang 13914075075
      Mob:Mr. Zhang 13862020853
      Mob:Miss Wei 15862301500
      Mob:Mr. Xiao 15062342659

      Home About Us Contact Us Copyright @ 2019 HWA CHENG(SUZHOU)RUBBER INDUSTRY CO.,LTD All Rights Reserved
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