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      New Product
      Product details Current location:Home > New Product
      Carbon fiber rubber roller

      CFRP rollers that are lighter than aluminum tubes and more rigid than iron cores.
      Due to the use of PITCH high-rigidity carbon fiber, rubber rollers with high rigidity, light weight and low inertia are realized.

      High rigidity
      Can be less deformed than iron
      E of iron = 21000MPa
      E of aluminum = 7200MPa
      CFRP E = 8000 ~ 28000MPa

      Very lightness
      The specific gravity of iron is 7.8, the specific gravity of aluminum is 2.7, and the specific gravity of CFRP is 1.56 to 1.75.
      Is half of aluminum and less than 1/4 of iron

      Low inertia
      The rotation performance of the rubber roller on the substrate will be greatly improved
      Easy to start and stop, good constitutionality will reduce the load on the product

      Due to these three characteristics, the following functions can be produced
      High-speed rotation Select ultra-light ten high rigidity CFRP tube can be made to high speed rubber roller
      Compact design Choose CFRP with high rigidity to make small diameter and long rubber rollers
      High precision Because of its high rigidity, the precision can be improved during processing, and the runout is small at high speed

      Main applications: Industry fields: high-performance films, optical films, OA, slitting industry

      About Us
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      Company news
      Industry news
      Steel industry
      Textile Dyeing and Finishing Industry
      Plastic industry
      Paper industry
      Film industry
      Photoelectric Industry
      Wood industry

      Contact Us

      Add:59 Qunxing First Road, Loujing District, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu, China
      Mob:Mr. Huang 13914075075
      Mob:Mr. Zhang 13862020853
      Mob:Miss Wei 15862301500
      Mob:Mr. Xiao 15062342659

      Home About Us Contact Us Copyright @ 2019 HWA CHENG(SUZHOU)RUBBER INDUSTRY CO.,LTD All Rights Reserved
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