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      Industry news Current location:Home > Industry news
      Huacheng --- what are the technical points of roller coating
      Source:HWA CHENG(SUZHOU)RUBBER INDUSTRY CO.,LTD         Release Time:2020-03-16
              The linear speed of the coating roller and the feeding roller shall be kept the same to avoid the sliding between the coating roller and the surface of the coated object, so that the coating is uneven and even unable to be painted. Roller coater can be applied with 20-250s (4 cups) viscosity coating, and the most suitable coating viscosity is about 100s. In order to make the paint roller and feed roller awesome enough feed force and pressure, the coating can spread well on the coated surface and form uniform coating. The width between the coating roller and the feeding roller should be adjusted when roller coating is applied, and the width of the coating is less than 2 -3mm of the thickness of the coated plate. When the paint with volatile solvent is used, the volatilization speed of the paint solvent should not be too fast, otherwise, on the one hand, it will affect the leveling of the coating, on the other hand, it is easy to make the coating gel on the coating roller, which will affect the coating efficiency.
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