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      Industry news Current location:Home > Industry news
      What are the classifications of COTS
      Source:HWA CHENG(SUZHOU)RUBBER INDUSTRY CO.,LTD         Release Time:2021-06-03

      What are cots?

      Rubber roller is a roller product made of metal or other materials as the core and covered with rubber by vulcanization. It is generally composed of outer rubber layer, hard rubber layer, metal core, roll neck and vent hole. Its processing includes roll core sand blasting, bonding treatment, gluing molding, cloth wrapping, wire winding, vulcanization of vulcanization tank and surface processing. Cots are mainly used in papermaking, printing and dyeing, printing, grain processing, metallurgy, plastic processing and so on.

      What are the classifications of COTS?

      It can be divided into butyl cots, nitrile cots, polyurethane cots and silicone rubber cots according to materials;

      It can be divided into: papermaking cots, printing and dyeing cots, printing cots, conveying rollers, metallurgical cots and oil printing cots, etc;

      Previous:Technical summary: correct use and maintenance of printing Cots Next:Operation process of cleaning coating roller
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      Add:59 Qunxing First Road, Loujing District, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu, China
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